You Attract What You Are: Facts Behind the Law of Attraction

The Law of Attraction is a popular concept in self-help and personal development circles. It suggests that actually you attract what you are into your life, whether it’s positive or negative.

The idea is that thoughts and emotions are like magnets, and they attract corresponding experiences and circumstances.

It also mentioned by many psychologists that the Law of Attraction is often associated with self-help and personal development, it does not have a strong scientific basis within mainstream psychology.

Let’s start establishing the relationship with our statement – You attract what you are, with some psychological concepts.

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Psychology of Law of Attraction

Confirmation bias

People tend to seek out information or experiences that confirm their existing beliefs or expectations. When someone believes in the Law of Attraction, they may actively look for evidence that supports its principles, while disregarding or downplaying contradictory evidence. This can create a self-reinforcing cycle where people perceive their experiences as confirming the Law of Attraction.

Confirmation bias cannot be eliminated, but it can be managed by education and training in critical thinking skills.

Self-fulfilling prophecy

Believing in the Law of Attraction may influence a person’s mindset and behavior, leading them to act in ways that align with their desires or goals. This can increase their motivation, focus, and confidence, which, in turn, can enhance their chances of achieving those goals.

By setting clear intentions and taking proactive steps toward their desired outcomes, individuals may increase their likelihood of success.

Positive mindset and resilience

Believing the fact that you attract what you are can promote a positive mindset and optimism. Positive thinking and optimism have been associated with several psychological benefits, such as improved well-being, reduced stress, and increased resilience.

When individuals maintain a positive outlook, they may be more likely to notice opportunities, persevere through challenges, and take proactive steps to achieve their goals.

It’s important to note that while these psychological factors may contribute to the perceived effectiveness of the Law of Attraction, they do not necessarily imply a causal relationship between thoughts and external events.

The Law of Attraction often incorporates metaphysical or spiritual elements that go beyond the scope of mainstream psychology and lack empirical evidence.

Myths around the saying – You Attract What You Are

Having said this, there are several myths as well around the the idea of Law of Attraction. Hence, the following facts should always be kept in mind, when you believe in you attract what you are.

You can manifest anything you want instantly

Ohhh dear, that does not happen in real life. Everything takes its own time before it falls into the place.

While positive thinking and intention setting can be powerful motivators, achieving goals typically requires consistent effort, planning, and taking appropriate action.

Negative thoughts will always attract negative experiences

The Law of Attraction suggests that negative thoughts will attract negative experiences, and positive thoughts will attract positive experiences. While maintaining a positive mindset can be beneficial for one’s well-being and resilience, it does not guarantee a life free of negative events.

Life is complex, and various factors influence our experiences.

You can control everything that happens in your life

The Law of Attraction is sometimes misinterpreted as the belief that you have complete control over every aspect of your life. While you can influence your thoughts, attitudes, and actions, external circumstances and other people’s behaviors are beyond your control.

It’s important to have a realistic understanding of what you can and cannot control.

The Law of Attraction is a scientific fact

The Law of Attraction is often presented as a universal law, but it lacks scientific evidence and does not have a solid foundation in mainstream psychology or physics.

The principles of the Law of Attraction are largely based on subjective experiences and anecdotal evidence rather than empirical research.

Actions to Harness best out of Law of Attraction

Now this is clearly evident that you have to harness the positivity and try to be your best self if you believe in attract what you are. So, if you believe in the Law of Attraction and want to align your actions with its principles, here are some actions you can consider taking

Clarity in Desires

Take the time to clearly identify and define what you want to manifest in your life. Be specific about your goals, whether they are related to career, relationships, health, or personal growth. This clarity helps you focus your thoughts and intentions.

Visualise success

Practice visualising yourself already in possession of your desired outcomes. Imagine the details and emotions associated with achieving your goals.

Visualisations can help reinforce positive thinking and align your subconscious mind with your desires.

Practice gratitude

Cultivate an attitude of gratitude for what you already have in your life. Appreciating and acknowledging the positive aspects of your current situation can enhance your overall well-being and attract more positive experiences.

Surround yourself with positive influences

Engage with individuals who support your beliefs and goals. Surrounding yourself with positive, like-minded people can provide encouragement, inspiration, and a supportive environment.

Stay open and adaptable

While you focus on your desired outcomes, remain open to unexpected opportunities and be willing to adapt your plans as needed. The Law of Attraction does not guarantee a specific path, and being flexible allows you to recognise and seize new possibilities.

Remember that while these actions can be beneficial, they are not exclusive to the Law of Attraction. They align with broader principles of personal development, positive thinking, and goal achievement.

It’s important to combine these actions with realistic expectations, perseverance, and a willingness to learn from both successes and setbacks.


What does it mean you attract what you are?

The idea behind “you attract what you are” is rooted in the belief that our thoughts and emotions emit vibrations or frequencies that resonate with similar vibrations in the universe. Therefore, aligning your thoughts, emotions, and beliefs with what you desire can supposedly attract corresponding experiences and outcomes.

Is it true that you attract what you are?

It is important to keep in mind that this concept is largely based on metaphysical or spiritual beliefs rather than scientific evidence. While adopting a positive mindset and embodying qualities aligned with your goals can certainly have an impact on your behavior and interactions with others, it is not a guarantee that you will attract exactly what you desire or repel everything negative.

Who said you you attract what you are?

The phrase “you attract what you are” is often attributed to various sources and individuals within the realm of personal development and spirituality. It has been popularised in books, teachings, and discussions surrounding the Law of Attraction. However, Dr. Wayne Dyer had popularised this phrase a lot in lectures and books.

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