Unraveling Fascinating Facts About Moon 

Ah, the Moon, that glowing celestial beauty in the night sky. As we look upon the Moon, we hardly think that there could be a plenty of unknown facts about moon. 

Many people find the Moon to be a calming and peaceful presence. Its beauty has inspired countless works of art, literature, and music throughout human history. 

Some people may also compare the Moon to a white crystal. The comparison is done due to its round, smooth appearance and the way its surface reflects light.

There are so many interesting and little-known facts about Moon that we have discovered over the years. However, it still holds many mysteries that scientists are still working to unravel. 

Despite being our closest neighbour in space, the Moon is a mysterious object that holds many secrets. We will undoubtedly continue to learn more about it as we explore the mysteries of the universe.

Moon is a very large and significant object in our solar system. Moon has a diameter of about 3,476 kilometres or 2,160 miles and a mass of about 1/6th that of Earth. Let’s find out some more interesting facts about moon, that will amaze you.

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Is Moon getting smaller?

It is true that moon is drifting away from earth at a rate of about 1.5 inches or 3.8 centimeters per year. However, it is not actually getting smaller. 

In fact, the moon’s size and shape have remained relatively constant over the past 4 billion years.

As it continues to move away from us, it will gradually appear smaller in the sky. However, this is due to its increasing distance, not any change in it is physical size.

You will Weight 1/6th of What You Weight on Earth

Moon has a very weak gravitational pull, which is approximately 1/6th of Earth. This will mean that you will weight approximately 1/6th of what you will weight on Earth. Another fun fact is that you can take much higher jump on the surface of Moon.

Weaker gravitational pull would also mean weaker ability to hold on the surrounding atmosphere. This results in almost vacuum on the surface of Moon.

Moon and Ocean Tides

The moon has a significant effect on Earth’s ocean tides. This is because the moon’s gravity pulls the water in the oceans, causing it to bulge slightly towards the moon. As the Earth rotates on its axis, this bulge of water creates a tidal effect. These tides cause the ocean levels to rise and fall twice a day. This phenomenon is called High Tide and Low Tide.

These tidal effects can be very powerful at times. Some locations experience differences in sea level of several meters between high and low tide.

How was the Moon Created?

Scientists believe that the moon was created around 4.5 billion years ago, shortly after the formation of our solar system. 

The most widely accepted theory is called the Giant Impact Hypothesis. This theory suggests that a huge object collided with the Earth. This impact caused a huge amount of debris to be thrown into space, that eventually coalesced to form the moon. 

This theory is supported by a range of evidences. Firstly, the fact that the moon is made of material similar to the Earth’s crust and mantle. Second, that its orbit and rotation are closely aligned with those of Earth. 

While there are still some details that remain uncertain, the Giant Impact Hypothesis is currently the most widely accepted explanation for the moon’s origin.

Why is there no sound on Moon?

Apparently there is no sound on moon. So, if you love to be in quiet, Moon can be the place for you.

The reason is simple, the sound needs a medium to travel. Since there is no atmosphere, sound can not travel on Moon. However, astronauts have mentioned about feeling the sound transmitting through solids on the Moon. This can be understood as if you tap on something, you can hear the tap through your space suit.

Shape of Moon

The moon has a distinctive spherical shape, with a diameter of about 3,476 kilometers or 2,160 miles. However, it is not a perfect sphere. Its shape is slightly distorted by the effects of its rotation and gravitational pull of Earth.

The moon’s surface is covered with a range of features, including craters, mountains and valleys. These geographical varieties give it a unique appearance when viewed from Earth.

Atmosphere of Moon

The moon does not have a significant and heavy atmosphere like Earth does. While there is a very thin layer of gas surrounding the moon, it is so thin that it is considered to be almost a vacuum. This means that there is no air for humans or other organisms to breathe on the moon. 

The lack of atmosphere also means that the temperature on the moon can vary widely, from over 100 degrees Celsius or 212 degrees Fahrenheit during the day. This extreme temperature range makes it difficult for humans to explore and work on the moon’s surface.

Effects of Full Moon on Emotions

The idea that a full moon can have an effect on our emotions has been around for centuries. However, there is little scientific evidence to support this claim. 

Some people may feel more energised or experience more vivid dreams during a full moon. However, there is no clear connection between lunar phases and emotional states. 

Ultimately, the effects of the full moon on emotions remain a topic of debate and further research is needed to better understand any potential links.

Blood Moon

A blood moon is a term used to describe a lunar eclipse. Lunar eclipse occurs when the Earth passes between the sun and the moon, casting a shadow on the moon’s surface. 

During a lunar eclipse, the moon can take on a reddish or coppery hue, which is why it is sometimes referred to as a blood moon. 

Blood moons are relatively rare events, occurring only a few times a year, and they are often viewed as a spectacular celestial phenomenon.

Moon Time Zone

The moon does not have any time zones, as it does not rotate on its axis at a constant rate. Instead, the moon takes the same amount of time to rotate once on its axis as it does to complete one orbit around the Earth. This time is about 29.5 Earth days. 

This means that the same side of the moon is always facing the Earth. At the same time the other side remains permanently hidden from view. As a result, there is no day or night on the moon in the traditional sense. Instead, there are periods of darkness and periods of light, each lasting about two weeks.

Temperature on Moon

The temperature on the moon can vary widely depending on the time of day and the location on the surface. During the day, the temperature can reach up to 127°C (261°F) in sunlit areas. At the same time the areas that are in shadow witness a drop to -173°C (-279°F). 

This extreme temperature variation is due to the moon’s lack of an atmosphere and its slow rotation. The surface temperature of the moon is also affected by its composition, which consists mainly of rock and dust.

12 Moon walkers

A total of twelve astronauts have walked on the moon. All of them were as part of NASA’s Apollo missions between 1969 and 1972. 

The first moon landing was achieved by Neil Armstrong and Edwin “Buzz” Aldrin on July 20, 1969 on Apollo 11 mission. They were followed by Charles “Pete” Conrad and Alan Bean on Apollo 12 in November of the same year. 

In 1971, Apollo 14 saw Alan Shepard and Edgar Mitchell walk on the moon, followed by David Scott and James Irwin on Apollo 15 later that year. 

In 1972, John Young and Charles Duke walked on the moon during Apollo 16, followed by Eugene Cernan and Harrison Schmitt on Apollo 17 in December of that year. 

These twelve individuals are the only humans to have ever set foot on the moon so far.

Dark Spots on Moon

The dark spots on the moon are areas of the lunar surface that appear darker than the surrounding terrain. These spots are also known as lunar Maria. This is a Latin word for seas as the early astronomers thought they were large bodies of water. 

However, the dark areas are actually ancient volcanic basins that were formed by lava flows billions of years ago. The lava filled in low-lying areas of the moon’s surface, creating the dark, flat regions that we see today.

Dark side of the Moon is a Myth

The last but not the least facts about moon is the term dark side of the moon. However this is actually a bit of a myth. In reality, the moon is illuminated by the sun just like the Earth. So there is no permanent “dark side” of the moon.

The moon rotates on its axis at the same rate that it orbits the Earth, a phenomenon known as synchronous rotation.

I hope this read gave a good idea of some new and fascinating facts about moon. Its influence on the tides, unique surface features and its role in the history of our solar system are just a few of the many reasons why scientists and researchers continue to study and explore it. We hope as we keep exploring this amazingly beautiful body to unravel more and more fascinating facts about moon in future.

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